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All MEANDR products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant MEANDR: surge protection devices, power supplies, monitoring, control and protection relays, modular devices, automatic reserve input devices, thyristors, voltmeters, ammeters, controllers, pulse counters
  • Tachometers MEANDR
    SIM-05t, etc.
  • Hour counters MEANDR
    Hour counters
    SIM-05ch-2-17, etc.
  • Pulse counters MEANDR
    Pulse counters
    SIM, RSI, etc.
  • Controllers MEANDR
    KUTP-1, 2, UKM-1, etc.
  • Voltmeters and ammeters MEANDR
    Voltmeters and ammeters
    VAR, VR, VRT, etc.
  • Thyristor switches MEANDR
    Thyristor switches
    MTK-25, 26, etc.
  • Thyristor regulators MEANDR
    Thyristor regulators
    TRM-1, 2, 3, etc.
  • Time relay MEANDR
    Time relay
    RVO, RVC, RV3, RVP, etc.
  • Motor protection relay MEANDR
    Motor protection relay
    RT, RTZ, RKCH, etc.
  • Photo relay MEANDR
    Photo relay
    FR-M01, M02, 31, FD, etc.
  • Pulse relays MEANDR
    Pulse relays
    RIO-1, 2, 3, etc.
  • Current monitoring relay MEANDR
    Current monitoring relay
    RCT-1, 2, 40, RPN-1, etc.
  • Voltage monitoring relay MEANDR
    Voltage monitoring relay
    RCN-1, 3, RCF, EL, etc.
  • Power limiters MEANDR
    Power limiters
    OM-16, 63, etc.
  • Intermediate relays MEANDR
    Intermediate relays
    MPP-1, 2, 3, 4, RVP, etc.
  • Temperature control relay MEANDR
    Temperature control relay
    TR-M02, 15, 30, TD-2, etc.
  • Protection devices MEANDR
    Protection devices
    UZM-16, 50M, 51M, 51MD, etc.
  • Power supplies MEANDR
    Power supplies
    BPU-2, BPI-13, etc.
  • AVR control modules MEANDR
    AVR control modules
    MOOR-3, etc.
  • Sensors MEANDR
    VICO-E, I, X, etc.
  • Optical sensors MEANDR
    Optical sensors
    VICO-B, D, R, MS, E3X, etc.
  • Modular devices are different MEANDR
    Modular devices are different
    RVP, RZN, RTU, SB, MV, MD, MK, etc.
  • Plastic housings for REA MEANDR
    Plastic housings for REA
    082, 141, 151, 161, etc.


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